Written by Kai Dietrich   
Monday, 08 October 2007

So - the next conference. But this time I'm not really taking part. The European Computer Science Summit (3rd Annual Informatics Europe Meeting 2007) takes place in our university. I used the oportunity to hear some of the talks. The opening keynote from Jeannette M. Wing (Carnegie Mellon University, NSF) was quite inspiring - her vision was, that computational thinking should tought in basic education (K12) and find it's way into every other science. Computer Science has something to give for other sciences and this is basically the idea behind "Informatik und Gesellschaft" at the TU-Berlin. "Exciting times for Computer Science".

Thomas Hofmann (Google) had a noteworthy keynote about innovation at Google and the differrence that huge amounts of data can make to your practice and theory. I'll probably not make it to the other talks tomorrow, since there are some internal talks at my university chair and some things to organize for the freshmens first week :)

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