September 19th, 2010
by admin
As I really need to get accustomed with GNU autotools, I was looking for some introduction docs. There is a free book from G. Vaughan (”The goat book“) but it’s a bit outdated and also quite comprehensive.
I just needed something to understand how it all works. Now what I stumbled uppon, is this fine online-book: “Autotools: a practitioner’s guide to Autoconf, Automake and Libtool” by John Calcote. It’s available at the usual bookstores as hardcover or e-book for some bucks.
And it’s also available in an unrevised, unfinished, work-in-progress HTML version here. That’s good enough for me, if there wasn’t that ugly HTML. Now theoretically, one could write a script that generates LaTeX code which would give a fine printable PDF. Such a script may even download everything it needs on the fly. And guess what, such a script already exists. You’re just not allowed to use it, ofcourse.
December 19th, 2009
by admin
The phlow-magazine:
Found some of the finest open content music there. Mostly eletronic, but also with influences from jazz and pop.
December 10th, 2009
by admin
So, for anyone who hasn’t subscribed yet: TED is a series of conferences about all kinds of topics from great people who really have to tell something. This is the feed, you will find great talks there — one to two new ones every day. Watch it, I’m convinced it makes better people.
November 4th, 2009
by admin
süß ist sie ja schon: Nilam Farooq ;)
in: T-Mobile LaLaLa Werbespot
Trotzdem: ist nicht OpenSource und wahrscheinlich voll durch patentiert, deshalb: besser nicht kaufen.
Und wo ich schonmal dabei bin einen sinnlos-post zu machen: don’t watch.
Damit wünsche ich Ihnen einen weiterhin angenehm (brech-)reizvollen Start in den Tag…
July 19th, 2009
by admin
Some weeks ago, already, I released wiki2beamer 0.8. It’s mostly a maintenance release. It now works again with python 2.4 which makes it easier to run on ancient systems (like our universities ;) ), has a litle bug fixed where “expressions” immediatly following lists were not transformed (so you had to add a newline) and the license was changed to “GPL 2.0 or later” so we don’t get stuck in some copyright problems as time moves on.
I also put the manpage for wiki2beamer online here (via man2html) so google can find it and non-*nix users can read it, too.
I should probably finish my thesis before I start coding at wiki2beamer, but if anyone out here is interested, there still are some things to be done:
- Create a Lessig-style slide environment, like the [code]-environment
- Split the code into a commandline wiki2beamer frontend and a python module as backend
- Write a formal syntax description, so we can create a real parser/compiler instead of these regular expression tricks.
- Build distro packages. (Fedora, RedHat, Arch, … anyone? Gentoo already has one. Update: I’ve built a Debian/Ubuntu package now, too. Go get it at SourceForge.)
- Build a windows installable package. (?)
- Update online documentation.
Also, we finally seem to get users :)
According to the sourceforge download statistics, we had 86 downloads in the last 2 months.
So, add one and head over to get wiki2beamer 0.8.
March 18th, 2009
by admin
Kennt ihr das? Anstelle nichts zu sagen, zuzuhören und sich zu überlegen ob es tatsächlich ein gutes Argument dagegen oder dafür gibt welches noch nicht hervorgebracht wurde wird einfach geplappert. Natürlich kennt ihr das. Und wer dieses Verhalten auch manchmal an sich selbst entdeckt, der sollte sich vielleicht mal auf Logorrhoe diagnostizieren lassen. Existenzbeweis durch Wikipedia. Auch gut: Moria ist keine unterirdische Phantasy-Stadt. Die Betroffenen sollten mehr bloggen. Hilft und entlastet die Umwelt.