wiki2beamer 0.9.2 released

I just tagged and released wiki2beamer 0.9.2 which is a maintenance/bugfix release for the new features val and julius introduced with 0.9. I also added a new example presentation (did the old ones even work?). So if you need to prepare slides, make sure to get the latest wiki2beamer version from sourceforge.

Ah, and we also have a shiny new website

oldschool, huh? ;)

Wiki2beamer 0.8 is out (update)

Some weeks ago, already, I released wiki2beamer 0.8. It’s mostly a maintenance release. It now works again with python 2.4 which makes it easier to run on ancient systems (like our universities ;) ), has a litle bug fixed where “expressions” immediatly following lists were not transformed (so you had to add a newline) and the license was changed to “GPL 2.0 or later” so we don’t get stuck in some copyright problems as time moves on.

I also put the manpage for wiki2beamer online here (via man2html) so google can find it and non-*nix users can read it, too.

I should probably finish my thesis before I start coding at wiki2beamer, but if anyone out here is interested, there still are some things to be done:

  1. Create a Lessig-style slide environment, like the [code]-environment
  2. Split the code into a commandline wiki2beamer frontend and a python module as backend
  3. Write a formal syntax description, so we can create a real parser/compiler instead of these regular expression tricks.
  4. Build distro packages. (Fedora, RedHat, Arch, … anyone? Gentoo already has one. Update: I’ve built a Debian/Ubuntu package now, too. Go get it at SourceForge.)
  5. Build a windows installable package. (?)
  6. Update online documentation.

Also, we finally seem to get users :)
According to the sourceforge download statistics, we had 86 downloads in the last 2 months.

So, add one and head over to get wiki2beamer 0.8.

wiki2beamer 0.7 is out

Hi all out there,

Wiki2beamer is a small tool to create LaTeX beamer presentations by converting a wiki-like syntax to LaTeX beamer code. It took a while after the 0.7 alpha 2 release, but I wanted to give it some time: wiki2beamer-0.7 is released. Major new features are:

  • Easy animated code listings via the [code] environment
  • Total escaping from wiki syntax via the [nowiki] environment
  • Template-less mode via the [autotemplate] environment
  • A
  • A man-page!!!11

So, go there, and spread the word :)

wiki2beamer 0.7 alpha 2

Hey there, wiki2beamer 0.7 alpha 2 is out. This means there is a dramatic increase of features of which the most important are:

  1. autotemplate-support: You don’t have to create a template file anymore, wiki2beamer can now do the job for you and create a fully functional .tex file from the .txt sources.
  2. code-environment: There is a new code environment which allows you to create animated code listings with a very dense and easy grammar.
  3. nowiki-environment: The nowiki environment allows you to completely escape from wiki2beamer.

These features were written in a very short time, so there probably are bugs. Also some feedback about the syntax and usability would be very helpfull.

wiki2beamer 0.6 is out

Do you like LaTeX? Would you also like to create your presentation slides for your talks with LaTeX-Beamer but fear the overhead? Then wiki2beamer probably is something for you. wiki2beamer speeds up beamer code creation by converting a media-wiki like syntax into functioning LaTeX-Beamer coder.

Here’s an example of the syntax:

==== Frametitle ====
* Bullet 1
* Bullet 2

# Enumerate
#<2-> Enumerate with pup-up effect

This really speeds up slide creation alot. Now wiki2beamer 0.6 is out which contains a small patch from me which allows you to manually close frames with [frame]>   and then continue with some LaTeX code outside of the frame environment. The examples contain a demonstration of how this works and how it can be used, espacially with verbatim environments and beamer.

On may, 8th I will give a small talk at Freitagsrunde TechTalks where I show how to efficiently create source-code centric presentations with LaTeX beamer (and wiki2beamer). So, I’d be glad if you’d just show up if you’re interested.