wiki2beamer 0.6 is out

Do you like LaTeX? Would you also like to create your presentation slides for your talks with LaTeX-Beamer but fear the overhead? Then wiki2beamer probably is something for you. wiki2beamer speeds up beamer code creation by converting a media-wiki like syntax into functioning LaTeX-Beamer coder.

Here’s an example of the syntax:

==== Frametitle ====
* Bullet 1
* Bullet 2

# Enumerate
#<2-> Enumerate with pup-up effect

This really speeds up slide creation alot. Now wiki2beamer 0.6 is out which contains a small patch from me which allows you to manually close frames with [frame]>   and then continue with some LaTeX code outside of the frame environment. The examples contain a demonstration of how this works and how it can be used, espacially with verbatim environments and beamer.

On may, 8th I will give a small talk at Freitagsrunde TechTalks where I show how to efficiently create source-code centric presentations with LaTeX beamer (and wiki2beamer). So, I’d be glad if you’d just show up if you’re interested.

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