Written by Kai Dietrich
Wednesday, 03 January 2007 |
WinStar Once uppon a time, there were a few geeks who liked StarTrek, programming and computergames. So they combined all those passions and started working on a computer game.
The first attempt was started by my good friend Enrico Biermann. Written in Borland Turbo Pascal it became pretty popular at our school; the line-art was fantastic; you know, amazing 16 colors ;)
But it was fun. The game was designed to be played by 2 players. Each of them could select a StarTrek spaceship of their choice and fly around on the screen and shoot each other.
The next step in the evolution of the idea was done by me. Striving to becoming better in programming then Enrico I flexed my coding muscles ;) and started the same game in C (DJGPP compiler). I found a suitable low level graphics library formerly called FastGL now called OpenGUI and startet coding a 256 color version. After some 15,000 lines of code I announced it as finished. But as you can expect the code was very unefficient.
The next and last step was only logical we worked together, involving another friend, Ramon Wegner. We found a much better general purpose game programming library called Allegro and designed an object orientated engine. The universe now had an unlimited size, we added parallax-scrolling and finally found out how realtime game-programming works.
But the project was never really finished. We learned too fast and realised that in order to do things properly we had to rewrite the game once again. But we already took a big portion of the whole way.
 What you can see here is around 100 indiviual KI-controlled starships devided into two teams fighting against each other.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 03 January 2007 )