Version History: ---------------- v1.1.15b - webadmin: fixed plugin support, it now really works - webtool : added fully fledged user management, multiple huge additions to webtools and webadmin, mostly done by HarperJgKdo - webctrl : added actions: addbots, webadmin_template and resetgame v1.1.14
- webstat : added additional text display - webadmin: fixed the limited mutator list bug (thx Beppo and Odie) - webadmin: added CustomInfo page for WebStat v1.1.13
- webstat : fixed Map.Camos display for TDM-GMI - webstat : fixed autodetection of GMI class for Spec Gamemode - now the EAS GMI will be used for EAS-Specialist, too. - webstat : improved registration process through serialisation - webstat : fixed Player.Names key disappearing when server is empty - phpmysql: fixed a bug in the httpQuery function where the HTTP header wasn't detected properly - phpmysql: improved registration process - it's more stable now v1.1.12 (hotfix)
- webstat : (hopefully) fixed multi-masterserver support - webadmin: improved master-server URI parsing v1.1.11
- first public release, including the constantly updated php scripts - webstat : moved some values to a new section (extended map info = = emp=1) v1.1.10
- webstat : fixed a bug in map-filename display v1.1.9
- webadmin: added mixed gametype maplists as an option - webstat : added Match.CurrentDefender for EAS - webstat : added Server.MapCamos - webstat : added multi-line properties (*grml* this is a change of the parsing specifications) v1.1.8
- general : switched version numbering - php : first version of the php master server scripts included - php : first version of the php webstat query scripts included - webctrl : added action=webstat_register - webstat : fixed Match.CurrentRound for EAS - extended betatesting stage started v0.48 (aka 1.1.7)
- webstat : register server atleast every 7 days - webstat : GMI_default - new property Server.UDPQueryPort v0.47 (aka 1.1.6)
- webadmin: added plugin selection page - webadmin: improved Camo/Map/Time page v0.46 (aka 1.1.5)
- webadmin: added master server list for webstat - webadmin: added web control config page - webadmin: removed top frame (unneeded) - webadmin: added serversettings: MaxClientRate, NetServerMaxTickRate, HBFixFrequency, RedirectToURL, AllowDownloads - webadmin: added "Auto Kick&Ban" plugin - webadmin: fixed small admin console log under mozilla v0.45 (aka 1.1.3)
- webadmin: added WebAdmin and WebStat configuration pages (plugins) - webadmin: changed uhtm files a bit - webstat : fixed(?) player list bug (grml, forgot something) - webstat : fixed(?) bug with bCanJoinNow v0.44 (aka 1.1.2)
- webadmin: first version of NG-WebAdmin included - webadmin: fixed the WebAdmin accessed none - webtools: new behaviour of MaxConnections/Intervall concept v0.43 (aka 1.1.1)
- webstat : fixed(?) player/spectator list bugs - webstat : fixed(?) ping list bug - webtools: added new IP Policy rule 'TRUST' - disables the MaxConnectionsPerMinute restriction for these IP(s) v0.42 (aka 1.1.0)
- webtools: IP whitelist system replaced by a UT-like IPPolicy system - webtools: WebStat and WebCtrl now derived from new baseclass WebTool - webstat : TDM support added - webstat : CTF support added - webstat : EAS support completly redone v0.41 (aka 1.0.1)
- webstat : improved master server handling - webstat : improved EAS support - webstat : new 'Settings' section v0.4 (aka 1.0.0)
- initial version for INF29, written by Cleeus, concepts by Exorzist - HTML support dropped - webstat : new dynamic GMIInterfaces - webstat : added support for registration at master servers - basically a 75% rewrite from scratch v0.31 (aka 0.1.1)
- more WebCtrl functionality v0.3 (aka 0.1.0)
- added WebCtrl v0.2 - 0.2x (aka 0.0.2)
- extended (more stats) by Cleeus v0.1 (aka 0.0.1)
- initial version for INF286, written by Exorzist - only webstat - support for HTML output and master-servers planned (first ideas)