I) What are these PHP scripts for? ---------------------------------- Well, at first they are a tutorial, example and documentation about the how's and why's of the WebStat package. The scripts can be divided in two parts: the frontend and the backend. I.1.)The backend I.1.a)General notes The backend is a PHP master server where WebStat can enlist itself and has a mechanism to share the serverlist with other masterservers. I.1.b)The registration process Each time a gameserver reloads a map, it will pass a HTTP GET request with some parameters over to the register_server.php script. The script then contacts the gameserver via UT's UDP querying and via the WebStat HTTP querying. If the responses seem to be valid the server will be put into a MySQL database with all it's available info. I.1.c)Maintenance
From time to time you may want to verify that the servers you have in your DB are still valid. The cleanup.php does this and removes invalid server. Just call it either from you webbrowser or create a cronjob somewhere. I.1.d)Sharing and syncing
Since v1.1.14 the masterservers can talk to each other and share their lists in order to create some kind of a lose network. The sharing of the lists needs two things: - sharedlist.php = a script that prints all the listed server in a simple way - synclists.php = a script that collects these lists from other servers and syncs them with it's own list sharelist.php is public and can be received by everyone. synclists.php contains a list of URLs to other masterservers sharedlists.php scripts. If you want to add a server you have to do that manually. If synclists.php is called it receives the sharedlists from all listed servers and merges the listed gameservers with it's own database. I.2.)The frontend
The frontend only reads from the database (IIRC ;)). list.php lists all servers info.php shows the details about a specific server live.php queries a WebStat enabled server without using a DB and shows the results You don't need all scripts to just display some info of a specific server on you homepage. For this purpose you should read the live.php and query_http.inc.php. We tried to document this as good as possible. There are (hopefully) usefull comments and
annotations inside the files themselfes.
II) What's new (aka changelog)
------------------------------ v1.1.13 -> v1.1.14 masterserver: - It's now possible that the servers can share their serverlists between each other. To make that more efficient (MySQL-wise) _we had to change the database structure_ (ws_servers has additional fields). Make sure you change your's too, otherwise the behaviour of the scripts is undefined. - changed the structure of the scripts and includes a bit - improved registration process (once again) - improved cleanup script - fixed 2 possible SQL injections III) How to set up a PHP/MySQL masterserver:
------------------------------------------- 1. DB Setup (MySQL) 2. db_login.inc.php setup III.1.) DB Setup (MySQL):
------------------------ You have to set up two tables in the following way: ws_servers
ID (int, 10)
IP (varchar, 20) GamePort (int, 8) WebPort (int, 8) WebPath (varchar, 255) ws_data
ID (int, 10)
property (varchar, 255) value (text) use these orders in your phpMyAdmin console
CREATE TABLE ws_servers (
ID int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, IP varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0', GamePort int(8) NOT NULL default '0', WebPort int(8) NOT NULL default '0', WebPath varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ID), UNIQUE KEY ID (ID), KEY ID_2 (ID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; CREATE TABLE ws_data (
ID int(10) NOT NULL default '0', property varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', value text NOT NULL ) TYPE=MyISAM;
III.2.) db_login.inc.php setup ----------------------------- location: WebStat/lib/db_login.inc.php you have to enter the following values to give the script access to your db
$dbhost : the server's address
$dblogin : the username $dbpass : the password $dbname : the database you want to read from and write to