INF_WebTools ============ (c) 2004 by Kai "Cleeus[JgKdo]" Dietrich and Jochen "[121st]jbJOGI" Bühler What are the INF_WebTools?
-------------------------- The INF_WebTools package is a set of (serverside) WebApplications for the UT-Mod INFiltration ( or and some additional bash and PHP/MySQL scripts. It consists of 3 parts: WebStat, WebCtrl and WebAdmin - WebStat accepts a HTTP GET request with parameters and then returns information
according to the paramters. - WebCtrl accepts a HTTP GET request with parameters and the executes something inside of UT. - WebAdmin is a new version of the INF WebAdmin (called NG-WebAdmin) and has support for mutators (via plugins), the configuration of WebStat and WebCtrl and more (faster loading, more options). If you combine these tools with some php or shell scripts you have a powerfull combination
to eg. remote-control your server or include live server data into you homepage. All you have to do is to assemble a HTTP GET request and parse the reply from the server.
How do I install the package on my server? ------------------------------------------ 1. shutdown your UCC server 2. The first step is to bring the files to the right place. Normally you will just have to extract your archive to the right place. If not then: - copy the INF_WebTools.u, INF_WebTools.ini and to your /ut/System directory - copy the .uhtm and .css file(s) to /ut/Infiltration/NGWeb 3. Edit you Infiltration.ini:
a) replace: [UWeb.WebServer] Applications[0]=INF_Admin.INFServerAdmin ApplicationPaths[0]=/ServerAdmin Applications[1]=INF_Admin.INFImageServer ApplicationPaths[1]=/Images with: [UWeb.WebServer] Applications[0]=INF_WebTools.INFw_WebAdmin ApplicationPaths[0]=/ServerAdmin Applications[1]=INF_WebTools.INFw_WebStat ApplicationPaths[1]=/Stat Applications[2]=INF_WebTools.INFw_WebCtrl ApplicationPaths[2]=/Ctrl b)
replace: [UWeb.WebResponse] IncludePath=../Infiltration/Web with: [UWeb.WebResponse] IncludePath=../Infiltration/NGWeb 4. assure that
[UWeb.WebServer] bEnabled is set to True (this will enable all listed WebApplications) Do NOT!!! make the INF_WebTools package a serverpackage. 5. IMPORTANT!!!
Set the admin users and passwords for WebCtrl and NG-WebAdmin in the INF_WebTools.ini 6. restart your server
The initial startup of the server is slower then normal since the server
has to bind some ports. The mapchange still works as fast as usual. How do I use WebCtrl?
--------------------- Send a HTTP request to (replace with the IP of your gameserver and 9090 with the listen port of your UWeb-Server) WebCtrl accepts 2 parameters: 'action' - specifies what you want to do 'do' - general purpose parameter The following actions are supported:
exec - performs the content of 'do' as a UT-ConsoleCommand on the server (with Level.ConsoleCommand(do); ). Note: This is the most powerfull tool if you use it right. kick - kicks the player named 'do' from the server kickban - kickbans the player named 'do' from the server summon - creates the actor named 'do' at a random position in the map (uses pathnodes) log - puts the content of 'do' into the UT-Log myip - returns your own IP echo - returns the content of 'do' (for debuging purposes) addbots - adds 'do' bots webstat_register - makes the WebStat instance (if running) register itself with the master servers webadmin_template - makes the WebAdmin instance (if running) apply a new template to the server resetgame - resets the game/rounds (Level.Game.ResetGame)
examples: howto apply a template to a server: \ %3Fgame%3DINF_GameTypes.INFg_EAS%3Fmutator%3DINF_Mutators.RollingM67 How do I use WebStat?
--------------------- Send a HTTP request to (replace with the IP of your gameserver and 80 with the listen port of your UWeb-Server) WebStat is a little bit more complicated. It accepts multiple parameters and which ones depends on the gamemode of your server. WebStat has a so called GameModeInterface (GMI) for each supported GameType. These classes are all derived from INFw_GameModeInterface and it is very likely that a certain GMI is also derived from INFw_GMI_default which supports the basic UT information and therefore works for all GameModes (more or less good). When a new map is loading, WebStat creates a new instance of either the GMI it decides to fit best, or, if you want, The GMI class you specified in the .ini. This means, as a programmer you could add a GMI-class to your new gamemode mutator and it is also supported by WebStat. In the following i will explain the accepted parameters for the built-in classes: INFw_GMI_default: all=1 - shows everything sli=1 - shows info about WebStat itself (used seperator, version, currently used GMIclass, ...) mpi=1 - shows info about the current map (map name and filename, ...) emp=1 - shows info about the mapcycle, camos and maplist settings gai=1 - shows info about the current game mode sri=1 - shows info about the servers basic setting like the servername, passworded?, maxplayers esi=1 - shows extended server info like MaxClientRate, TickRate, mutatorlist, mapcycle mti=1 - shows info about the current running match pli=1 - shows info about the players (names, frags, pings, ...) txt=1 - shows additional info about the server given by the admin INFw_GMI_TDM:
everything GMI_default supports gas=1 - shows game settings (like number of rounds to play, timelimits, ...) emi=1 - shows extended match info (team stats, camos, ...) INFw_GMI_CTF:
everything GMI_TDM supports INFw_GMI_EAS
everything GMI_CTF supports examples:
MasterServers? Huu? What? ------------------------- WebStat supports a MasterServer concept. This means it can send a heartbeat to a maximum of 32 MasterServers which you can specify in the .ini or via the NG-WebAdmin. This server can then create a serverlist and use the WebStat of these gameservers. Now you could say, that we already have this via the GameSpy protocoll, but GameSpy uses UDP. WebStat instead uses HTTP (TCP) and therefore a masterserver can be simple PHP+MySQL WebSpace. Also TCP is much faster then UDP in PHP. Basically WebStat generates a HTTP GET requests with 2 parameters:
?port=1234&path=/Stat/ "port" is the port the gameservers webserver is listening on. "path" is the path under which the webstat application can be found. If the masterserver receives such a request, it can stripe the IP out of the socket. With
this it has all that is needed to query the gameserver via udp and/or tcp.
NG-WebAdmin Plugins ------------------- The new NG-WebAdmin has plugin support. This means every mutator programmer can write an addition to the webadmin without replacing it or hacking into it. To write such a plugin you need to create a seperate package (because of package dependancies) which will be serverside only. This package will be dependant from INF_WebTools and you mutators, your mutators will stay indepentant. In this new package you create a new class and derive it from INF_WebTool.INFwa_Plugin. Inside this class you need to define the files your plugin will support and give the links for the navigation menu. Now you can implement one or more new pages for all your published mutators. The integration into the NG-WebAdmin is done by an .int file. Look at the which comes with this package, it's pretty much self-explanatory. To use such a plugin you just have to activate it under 'Plugins' in the menu, restart your server (either by an automatical ar manual mapchange) and resfresh your browser window.
Security? --------- WebStat, WebCtrl and NG-WebAdmin support the same security concepts. These concepts are: 1. username/password limitation - required for WebCtrl, optional for WebStat 2. IP Policies - You can specify certain rules that work nearly the same way the UT policies work except that you have and additional rule called 'TRUST' which disables the following MaxConnectionsPerIntervall restriction: 3. max connections per intervall - you can specify how man requests (ini:MaxRequestsPerIntervall) your server should accept in a given intervall (ini:RequestsIntervall).
UT Server Technology -------------------- I do strongly recommend to use the UT4.51 Patch from for the server. 4.51 allows (besides alot of other IMPORTANT!!! improvements and security fixes) the access of array-elements via the set and get console command which makes WebCtrl an even more powerfull tool. UT4.51 also fixes the UWeb Server under Linux. Troubleshooting
--------------- In case the server doesn't register properly, check the followins things: - WebStat mustn't have a password to be accessible for the masterserver - Your UDP/GameSpy querying has to work, otherwise the masterserver thinks your server is invalid - If you'r server runs behind a firewall, check if you opened the proper ports (usually 7777 UDP for the Game, 7778 for GameSpy, 80 for the WebTools - you can set these ports to a different number if you want) - Are the masterserver addresses correct? A masterserver address is a normal http URI in the form of http://hostname:port/path eg.
More questions? --------------- read the code ;) Or ask me via ICQ, email or the INFiltration Forums. ( Suggestions?
------------ You can send suggestions directly to me (
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
) or post them on the INFiltration Forums. ( Credits:
-------- UnrealScript Code written by: - Cleeus[JgKdo] - Harper[JgKdo] - Exorzist[JgKdo] PHP/MySQL scripts by: - [121st]jbJOGI - Cleeus[JgKdo] Thanks to: - Beppo for the permission to modify his webadmin - The INF Team for this great mod - Dirtfinger[FOOL], XploD[FOOL], [121st]PsyGer, {GD}Odie3, [C22]Dragoon, [C22]Mort and shan for testing